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Hello! Hola! Ciao! Namaste! Bonjour!


I have started this blog to share my interests as an upcoming artist and share my progress.

I am full time data analyst trying to make it as an artist and someday setup my own studio eventually.


I have been drawing and sketching since I was about 8 years old watching my father draw. I used to doodle quite a bit in school all the way through college and during my bachelors(2002-2006) and then life/career took the drivers seat and kicked art out of the vehicle itself.


Almost  a decade passed since I even did anything remotely classified as 'ART' until it was 2015 and my beautiful wife encouraged me to take some evening classes at a University where I live and there has been no looking back since!

I have taken my first professional drawing class at Emory, under the guidance of Guy Robinson, then continues on to an introductory class under him as well. I try to attend as many local art workshops as time and money would allow me to.

I adore and revere David Leffel,Mark Carder and John Singer Sargent, to name a few.

I also have recently started exploring the unlimited capabilities of the 'limited' palette.


A few guidelines that I like to keep in mind when it comes to art:


  • Make your work so good that it is simply impossible to ignore you

  • If you live by the compliments, you die by the criticism

  • Life imitates art


Thank you for taking the time to find out about me. Hope you like the content and get some use out of it. 


Me, sketching away at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. 

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