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Writer's pictureEmbee

The Forgotten Secret(s)

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I might have just remembered the secret to getting better at drawing! Often we think that for getting better at drawing portraits, one has to understand anatomy, facial structure and all such complicated concepts. To get better at still life, one has to understand how light moves, how reflective surfaces work and understand composition. To get better at landscapes one has to understand perspective, figure out how values work and masterfully exclude things that do not work.

While all this is true, one commonly forgotten and ignored factor is practice!! There are three secrets to getting better at art(or anything for that matter). PRACTICE,PRACTICE and more PRACTICE! Draw every single day. Yes, every single day. When I say draw, I do not mean you need to draw a complete composition. Maybe you just have 10 mins that day and that is fine. Draw a single line, but draw it accurately and with a purpose.

A clean organized work space

The advantage and positive effects of a clean, well organized work space cannot be overstated. There is no romanticism that a studio is shabby and dirty. A tidy studio/workspace often creates a calm, peaceful atmosphere and get the creative juices flowing. Try and keep you things back where they belong at the end of the session. Have a designated space for your materials, so you do not waste valuable time searching for things.


This might not be an option for everyone, but if possible try to work in a well ventilated space, especially if you are working with oil paints.

Perhaps try some incense sticks or soy candles to cleanse the air.


Personally for me, music plays a much bigger factor than I would like to accept in my mood, which in turn reflects in my art. Try instrumental music so you will not be distracted to start singing, or do sing if that works for you.

So, there it is. The one overlooked secret to getting better at drawing is, well drawing!

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